Lifelong Wellness


   Are you sick of not feeling your best?  You body is highly capable of adapting to the way you treat it,  You may skip meals, You may never eat vegetables. You may live on doughnuts and coffee, and still you go on.   But you’re tired, or h

Changing your food for the better doesn’t have to be painful. Your amazing body will thank you very quickly and enforce the wise choice you are making when you change your food.

You can view my program page through this link, or you can contact me directly here.  Don’t wait, You health and your future depends on your food choices. 

Autumn Cleanse Results for a First Timer and Others

Autumn Cleanse Results for a First Timer and Others

While there are Cleanses that advocate extreme measures, here at Wellness and You we believe a week of self care with food and personal care reaps powerful results. We run a Cleanse three times yearly -a Post Holiday Cleanse, a Spring Cleanse and an Autumn Cleanse.

Techniques for Building Positivity in Your Life

Techniques for Building Positivity in Your Life

Affirmations are simple statements designed to change your thinking for the better.  I currently have two recordings that include affirmations - one is for quieting stressful  thoughts and the other is for overcoming anxiety after treatment for cancer . You can view or sample on my webpage.  The affirmations I wrote were the direct outcome of negative statements I heard clients say when we worked together.  The question to me was this: were these statement helping them, changing them, or just leaving them feeling helpless?  

5 Everyday Health Hacks for 60+ Women

5 Everyday Health Hacks for 60+ Women

What is it you want to accomplish with your health this year? It’s easy to think that we need to go all out to change our health for the better.  Making lofty, unachievable goals can put a quick ending to any thoughts of improvement.  If you have intentions of improving your health this year, simple, small steps will help you accomplish them. 

Flu Shot....Or Not?

Flu Shot....Or Not?

Every year we are faced with the decision - ‘do I get a flu shot…or not?’ However you answer this question, know that what you do every day has an impact on your susceptibility or resistance to any illness or germs that may come your way. How else can we explain the fact that one person “catches” a cold or flu in the office, and 5 other people in the sam office do not?