More on Cleansing

Sugar Cravings Make Me Crazy!

Do you ever wonder why it’s so hard to control cravings for the sweet and/or the salty? It’ not because you have no will power.  It’s because these foods are designed to put you on a roller coaster of highs and lows that in the moment can only be satisfied with more of the same.

But you know this isn’t good for you.  You also know it interferes with your focus and concentration on things more meaningful to you.  In short, food cravings are huge distractions. In the long run, satisfying them will ruin your health and your waistline.  

Many of you know I have my own food cravings, so I know what it’s like to deal with sweet temptations.  One way to get a clean start is to give yourself a Spring cleanse and wipe the cravings slate clean. You will be amazed by how easy it is when you have a clear strategy that isn’t about deprivation and won’t have you feeling weak and hungry.  

Staying Healthy

Spring cleanses are traditionally about transitioning from the heavier warming foods of Winter to newly sprouted foods of Spring.  Given our continuously later Springtimes in the northeast, we will make the transition gradual through April and work to stay in sync with the fluctuating temperatures. 
If you live outside of New England and enroll in this cleanse I will give you food suggestions that are compatible with your climate. 

Check out what some of my Spring Cleanse participants said about how it helped them step into an energized refocused place without the old food cravings 

“I feel a lightness”

“I ordered the appetizer hummus plate and asked them if they could give me celery instead of the flatbread.  It was perfect and delicious.  

"Thank you this has been a wonderful experience." 

"I have lost 8 pounds."    

"I honestly haven't felt so good in a long time and am really finding myself not wanting to go back to my old eating habits." 

"It took me about three days into phase two to appreciate how much better I felt and stop the cravings for certain "bad" things." 

We’ll start on Saturday April 13th  with a coaching call at 8 am which you can join or listen to later at your convenience. 

 Once you register on the green link below, I will send you your personal checklist and the call-in details for our coaching calls. 

 Don't wait! If you want to feel your best after a long hard winter, sign up now.

Press here to register