Staying Sane in Crazy Times

The term Covid came into our consciousness in January 2020. Here we are in January 2022 and if you listen to or read the news, it’s nearly impossible to avoid hearing more about it. The presence of this virus has affected nearly every aspect of our lives.

Events that deeply impact us are not new. We have had them before. Normally there is a rush in the media to move on quickly from one crisis to another. The covid headline doesn’t seem to go away. So what can we do?

Because it’s my passion and my work, I read about wellness all the time. I’ve also seen how stress can bear down on us as humans and make us more vulnerable to illness, including viral infections. A steady diet of stressful news can wear anyone down. Much of what I learn from studies and anecdotal stories, I find quite useful. I experiment with many ideas and suggestions regarding wellness and longevity. Here are a few I’d like to share with you that I hope will make these times just a little bit less stressful:

  1. Be informed, but not obsessive. And most important, trust your gut reaction to what you hear.

  2. Put your attention on growth. What is it you want to accomplish but can’t seem to get any traction to move forward? How can you alter your daily activities to create space for that dream?

  3. Take care of yourself. You know what to do. Eat whole foods, move, rest and connect with the people and the things you love.

  4. Those things you want to accomplish? Notice the time you open up in one single day with no social media scrolling.

One day Covid will be more of a memory than a day to day reality. Something else will capture the headlines. Media depends on it. For a happier, more sane you, follow this simple 4 step formula for today’s headlines and those of the future. When you do you will maintain a sense of control over your own life, and no one can take that away from you.