Prana Brush for Skin Brushing.


My Autumn, Post Holiday and Spring Cleansing programs are an integral part of the services Wellness and You offer each year.  Dry brushing with a cloth or soft brush is how it’s done with a goal to stimulate lymphatic flow and circulation.  
An added benefit is the way it sloughs off dead skin, opening the pores to do their magic in releasing toxins from the body. I’m a big believer in the benefits of dry brushing. 

That’s why I was intrigued when the Prana Brush company contacted me and asked if I would try their Prana Brush.   Jessica explained how it differs from a simple bristle brush, and she’s right! 

Stimulates the lymphatic system

The lymphatic system circulates through the body and carries white blood cells that fight infection. It flushes out toxins, waste, and other unwanted debris. Dry brushing is said to help stimulate the lymphatic system and accelerate the detoxification process.

Smoother skin

Skin has smoother texture when it’s regularly stimulated. It increased the ‘breathability” of the skin. 

I’ve been very impressed by the difference it’s made in my skin, so much so I contacted Jessica and asked if she would make a discount offer for readers.  She agreed and if you purchase a brush by November 13 you will receive a 15% savings.  Go to to read more.