Be Reminded of the Possibility of Lifelong Wellness - It's Inspirational

The idea of health and wellness has never been as much in the forefront of our minds than it has been in these past few years. Facing an unexpected health challenge that a pandemic can present makes us ever aware of the importance of being as healthy as we can be.

But the truth is, we have many distractions. We know it would be nice to always get 7-8 hours of sleep every night, that we eat home prepared meals made of healthy fresh ingredients every day, that we have little or no stress in our lives, and we get outdoors for some fresh air every day. But it’s not always possible.

But what is possible is to do most of these things most of the time. Don’t give up because you had a bad week. It happens to every one. I use the 90/10 formula for my eating, and actually for most of how I live. I aim for positive actions 90% of the time and just relax on the other 10%. That way none of these lifestyle habits seems impossible.

Spreading the Word

Did you know I speak at corporate events about nutrition and lifelong wellness? It’s one of my favorite ways to spread the word that with effort and focus our chances of living a long healthy life increase significantly.

If you know an organization or workplace that invests in workforce wellness, please share my name with them or send me a contact and I will reach out to them. Together we can create a ripple effect to make for a healthier world.

Please share this link which gives a sampling of my speaking work.