4 Health Habits for 2021—And New Ways to Keep Them Going!

Guest post by Amy Collett

After the curveballs of 2020, this year is the perfect opportunity to resolve to be a happier and healthier you. Peg Doyle of Wellness and You says that if you resolve to keep better habits, it becomes easier to stick to positive changes in your day-to-day routine. Here are 4 simple, easy health habits that can transform both you and your year.

Find a way to move your body

Millions of people make New Year resolutions to exercise more, but most of those promises aren’t kept. Instead of resolving to do activities you find monotonous or less entertaining, find ways to just keep your body moving. It doesn’t matter how! From dancing with your kids to yoga or tai chi videos to evening walks, find something that brings you joy and stick with it. You’ll find that being more active is easier to commit to. 

Change what you eat

One of the most effective ways to get healthier is to change your diet. So many of us think of diets in extreme terms that make it hard to follow through. Instead, consider making smaller, sustainable changes, like cutting out fast food and soft drinks, learning new ways to prepare your favorite vegetables, or learning recipes from a balanced cuisine, like Mediterranean. Check the shelves of your local library for their many cookbooks; you’re sure to find something to satisfy in no time. 

Change how you shop

Grocery stores are laid out in a way to make you walk the entire space and be enticed by pre-packaged items. This is why so many of us walk in for a couple of items and leave with a cart of “goodies.” Make your resolutions easier to keep by changing where you shop. Your local health food store is a good option; many have fresh produce, cooking necessities and even healthier versions of favorite boxed meals. 

Open up your space 

If you find that your space has begun to feel oppressive, you’re not alone. It’s hard to create new ways of thinking when your home feels stale and cluttered. Dedicate some time to decluttering and airing out your space, like opening windows and letting a breeze carry out all the bad vibes. You’ll be glad you gave your home the attention, and it’ll let you focus on your other goals. 

Don’t think you need to reinvent the wheel to start living a healthier lifestyle. There are many free resources out there to support your wellness journey, from free online tutorials to books at the library. Try out some of these suggestions or ones you find on your own. Remember, if something doesn’t work, don’t give up! You can meet your goals and make 2021 your year to shine. 

Nutrition and wellness coaches like Peg Doyle of Wellness and You have the knowledge and experience to help you succeed. Contact her today to get a head start on a new you!

Note from Peg:

Thank you Amy for your kind words. You can reach author Amy at : a_collett@bizwell.org