12 Foods That Can Help Control Migraine Headaches

Migraines plague many many people and can start in the early years, stretching across the life span. Here is a guest post from Dr. Brent Wells, D.C. of BetterHealthAlaska where Dr. Brent describes the role food may play in triggering or managing migraine.

As someone who has had migraine since my early twenties, having tools like Dr. Brent describes below can be very helpful. In addition to foods, I also recommend looking at your stress level and how you manage that, structural issues such as posture and/or neck injuries from auto accidents, and family history, as migraines often run in families. Hormonal cycles can also bed a trigger for migraine.

The foods Dr. Brent recommends in this article are all a part of my diet with the exception of almonds for which I have a sensitivity. I highly recommend you include the foods Dr. Brent lists below and let us know how your body responds.

Thanks, Dr. Brent, for this fine post.


Do you suffer from migraines? If so, you probably know how debilitating they can be. While medications can be used to calm their symptoms, you might be surprised to learn that your diet can play a major role in how well you can prevent migraines. Below you’ll discover what triggers migraines and some of the best food to consume to help naturally control them. 

What are Migraines?

Migraines are a type of headache that tend to cause throbbing pain in one area on your head. While the triggers of them aren’t known, some are believed to be stress, light sensitivity, and a change in diet. Migraines can last anywhere from 4-24 hours. 

Migraines vs. Regular Headaches

Many often confuse migraines for regular headaches and vice versa. While all headaches might seem the same, there is a big difference between a migraine and a regular one. A regular headache usually causes a feeling of pressure in your head, especially near your temples. These often form because of tension or sinus problems. 

Migraines are usually much more severe. Sometimes they can be so excruciating that medical help is needed. There are two main types of migraines: aura and non-aura. An aura migraine occurs when a person gets a strange sensation in their body, such as a lack of smell or taste, a few minutes before the migraine strikes. Sometimes these sensations might even occur a few days before the migraine actually happens. 

On the other hand, a non-aura migraine doesn’t involve these sensations. However, these are usually rare because most people experience aura migraines. 

Symptoms of Migraines


This headache can result in a variety of painful and unpleasant symptoms. 

●      Dizziness

●      Strange light flashes in your eye

●      Lightheadedness

●      Nausea

●      Nasal congestion

●      Irritated scalp

●      Sound sensitivity 

Are There Long-Term Side Effects to Migraines?

Migraines don’t just give you temporary problems. If you suffer from them often, you’ll find that they might end up giving you long-term side effects. These include:

●      Light sensitivity

●      Vertigo

●      Dizziness

Where Do Migraines Usually Happen?

Migraines tend to form on one side of the head near the brain’s amygdala region, the place where emotions are stored. 

How is Your Diet Connected to Migraines?

The type of food you eat can very well trigger migraines. While it’s not known exactly why, many researchers find that after eating a certain food, some people experience the beginnings of these terrible headaches. However, just as your diet can form migraines, it can also reduce and prevent them. 

What Type of Food Causes Migraines?

The type of food you eat could also cause migraines to happen. Some of the biggest migraine triggers are:

●      Caffeine

●      Alcohol

●      Artificial sweeteners

●      Monosodium glutamate (MSG)

●      Aged cheese

●      Preserved meat

●      Fermented food

While they vary in how and why they cause migraines, most of the time it’s because these foods cause your blood vessels to dilate. Many of these items also contain high amounts of tyramine which can adjust your brain chemicals and lead to migraines. 

12 Foods That Can Control Migraine Headaches

Summer Squash

Summer squash is filled with magnesium, folate, and riboflavin which have all been proven to stop migraines. In fact, eating large amounts of these vitamins and minerals can prevent migraines from forming, making summer squash something you’ll want to eat daily. 

Brown Rice

Brown rice has high levels of magnesium and niacin. Studies have shown that these two help reduce the amount of migraines a person has. 

Pumpkin Seeds

These seeds also contain large amounts of magnesium which can naturally calm and control migraines. However, don’t eat pumpkin seeds covered in salt. While they might taste good, the salt can lead to dehydration and further irritate your migraine. 


Thanks to the impressive amount of vitamin B in this fish, salmon can help you to manage your migraines. You’ll want to make sure to eat salmon around 2-3 times per week for best results. 


Ginger can help to treat and prevent the nasty symptoms migraines can bring, such as nausea. The oil in ginger can also prevent inflammation which might aid in stopping migraines. You’ll also find that ginger encourages your body to release serotonin which can boost your mood and stop migraines from happening. 


This fruit is filled with potassium which can alleviate painful headaches, especially migraines. This nutrient works to regulate muscle contractions and nerve cell functioning. However, you want to make sure to eat fresh figs. Dried figs contain tyramine which is an amino acid that can sometimes encourage migraines to form.  


This leafy green is one of the safest foods to eat if you constantly suffer from migraines. It not only contains high amounts of magnesium, but fiber and Omega-3. 


If you suffer from anemia, you might find that you have migraines often. Because of the impressive amount of iron in quinoa, this grain can stop migraines caused by it. 


Water can significantly help to control and prevent migraines. It has also been shown to dramatically reduce migraine pain. 

You should drink around six cups of water per day to help your body stay hydrated. When dehydrated, it can cause your brain to slightly shrink which can result in pain. Water makes sure it stays filled with fluid. 


Another food to add to your diet is spinach. Spinach has high amounts of magnesium and folate which can decrease the amount of times you have a migraine. 


This nut is rich in magnesium and can prevent your blood vessels from dilating. By eating around 10 almonds a day, it not only will prevent migraines but give your body plenty of other health benefits, like reducing blood pressure and improving your memory. 


Milk can also be useful in treating migraines. Thanks to its calcium and vitamin D, it can reduce migraine pain quickly. 


If you want to try stopping headaches at home, definitely consider changing up your diet. By consuming these foods, you’ll find that the number of times you have migraines and their terrible side effects will decrease. 


