Will I Starve if I Cleanse?

That’s a question someone asked me and I totally understand why that’s important. Unless we live in a bubble and have nothing going on in life besides the cleanse, we need energy to function!  So I say no, you won’t be starving. 

What Will Happen?

What will happen is we will use the time to eliminate the foods that drag us down and add the foods that are easy to digest and give us energy. We mix that with a lot of hydration, which is one of the most important ways of staying energized.  Makeup artist Bobby Brown once said if her models look tired before a photo shoot, she gives them a few glasses of water.  

My diet is pretty good most of the time, following my 90/10 formula of eating well 90% of the time and relaxing for the other 10%.  But even with this way of eating, I still do a cleanse in the New Year, in Autumn and in the Spring.  These are times that can be challenging energetically. and eating really clean helps support adjustments to the seasons and resetting after the holidays.

What Are Your Questions?

Other questions? Don't be shy.  No question is a silly question,   Contact me- I’m here to help

What Cleansers Say

Sometimes a cleanser's story can answer questions best s they share their experiences.  Here are two of them:

"What I do know .. Is sugar is a huge issue for me . ( I can't be alone on this ! ) 
Things I feel I'm doing better ..  Being aware, Drinking water,  Trying to be gentle with myself 
Challenges - Healthy eating out . Sticking with my commitment to eat healthy .. 
I've been reading all of your emails, I read the transcript from the call, and review the recipes.:
J., first time cleanser 

And L. says:

"Doing great! Why don't I always eat like this? Its not that hard to do with a little prep and organization.
The first 2 days, I had a killer headache and was nauseous. Thankfully that passed. Like you, this was the first Halloween week I can remember not having  any candy at all! 
Birthday tomorrow! Going to my favorite restaurant The Blackinton Inn, I will forgo the beautiful bread basket and cocktails, and opt for the fish and extra veggies, maybe even some shrimp cocktail with just lemon.
Lunch is packed Bean and red pepper salad with snacks of celery and fresh ground almond butter. I made a wonderful Sweet Potatoe soup on Sunday and that has been a nice go to for afternoon pick me up.
Can't really think of any challenges so far.
Thank you for all your support,"

L. hit on some key steps - she's planning ahead for her birthday and for her lunch. Sorry she had a headache and nausea -that's the old food saying good-bye

Join Us

Start 2018 off right and get your body and mind clear for all sorts of new adventures. You can do it with support and community through our Post-Holiday Cleanse.  Don't wait - sign up here and be ready to start on Saturday, January 6,