Please Think Food First, Then Weight

For the past 25 years I’ve been helping people figure out how to eat healthy with room for pleasure. My plan has been to give you an evolving realization that real food is not the enemy,  Highly processed foods with chemicals and additives is the enemy, and a contributing cause of all sorts of sicknesses and weight issues. During these 25 years I’ve seen the paleo diet, gluten free diet, WW, NOOM, Atkins, keto, South Beach and so many others make their way into and out of the spotlight. But never before have I seen such a deluge of mass marketing on a medication to solve all your ‘weight’ problems as I am seeing now.  You must be too.

We know the jingles, we’ve seen ads in print and on streaming media. We’ve heard doctors comment on it and prescribe it to people begging for a solution to their weight issues. I’m on a list to offer quotes to publications like Newsweek, Women’s World, etc. about nutrition related topics and over that past few weeks, there’s hardly been a day that I don’t get a request that is related to the drugs. Note: most are looking for positive quotes, and they won’t be coming from me.

I’d like to ask you to do something for me.  There’s something the pharmaceuticals never talk about, and that is FOOD.  They only look at weight and  rush to find the drug for their company that can alter weight and make them a lot of money.  If they cared about you, they might be asking you, are you getting enough nutrients?  Can you afford to eat quality food? Do you have quality markets that are accessible to you? Do you KNOW what quality food is? Are you overly stressed, causing your body to retain calories in preparation for an emergency?  Are you not getting enough sleep, so you are overeating looking for energy from extra food?  Are you unhappy or lonely and looking for comfort?  I’d like you to listen very carefully to what they are saying. Read or listen to the fine print in their ads.  Read one of their profit reports from CBS here.

It seems they are not very interested in any of these topics; ironically, this is where weight issues originate. We can only recover if we learn to honor the body we’ve been given and give it the food it needs.  Remember your body is your oldest friend and steadiest companion; don’t surrender your well-being to a pill when you can learn how to properly nourish and care for yourself.

Until we address the topic of food, there really is no reason to address the topic of weight. A common side effect of these drugs is nausea; do you think that is a good solution for weight loss? They say the drugs are only effective for as long as you take them. Does that seem like a solution?

A little known secret about malnutrition is that it afflicts those who are overweight as much as those who are underweight.  It is the result of eating low nutrient foods. For the overweight malnourished person, that food might be fast foods and highly processed foods and rarely any nutrient rich foods like vegetables, clean seafood, nuts and legumes.  For the malnourished underweight person, that may be thin broth, little protein and few if any vegetables. The result is the same;  each situation activates the appetite mechanism.

A beautiful young woman I know was seriously overweight until 2 years ago when she decided it was time.  She embarked on a two year project, aiming to lose about 50 pounds per year. She has been tempted from time to time because she’s someone who loves food and cooking, but she has the resolve to stay with it because she sees how much better she feels, and looks. She also knows what to cook so her meals are satisfying. She can walk now without discomfort and has more energy and better sleep. She’s a perfect example of what can happen, simply by changing your food from heavy gravy, large portions, and a bad snack habit of foods that never filled her up.

Put the focus on you.  Are you caring for yourself?  What might you want to do differently so you have the energy and good health that comes with eating well. You are worth every ounce of effort you put into your self-care.

What will the outcome be from the weight loss drugs? It remains to be seen, but if history repeats itself, it will not be lasting weight loss.  Until we change our relationship with food and the quality of what we eat, there can be no lasting weight loss.  Maintaining a healthy diet is a crucial factor in preventing obesity.

I’m here to help get you started if you need it.