3 Things i won't Eat Most of the Time

there are a few foods that I recommend you never or rarely eat.  As you look at the list you may say ‘no way could I do without these foods!’  Most of us cannot.  But when you stop and appreciate the harm they do to your health, your weight and your focus, you will very likely eat them in very small amounts. They ar

1. white flour foods. These include bread made of enriched flour, bagels, muffins, white pasta, and most packaged foods, cookies, cakes, etc. 

2.   refined sugars. Most of item #1 converts to sugar. It’s the way the body processes white flour products.  They digest quickly and turn to sugar.  Artificial sweeteners hare chemical products and will only stimulate your craving for real sugar. 

3.  caffeine and alcohol.  You cannot know the effect of daily caffeine until you get away from it. Skip it for awhile and reintroduce it. You’ll feel it in a way your body never noticed before.  Same with alcohol, which is a sugar based product. 

4.  fast food.  This is really in the NEVER category.  Even the salads you might find in a fast food joint.  Why? Because they come from a facility, not from a farm where food is grown in rich soil.  Don’t waste your money or your health contributing to the profits of fast food companies.  Side note: they pay workers low wages while corporate makes millions.

Don’t slide into 2020 with food habits that no longer serve you. Visit my programs page to see how I can help you make healthy eating an achievable goal for you.