Get Ready for Spring This Way

Here in New England Spring temperatures can range from a raw and chilly 40s to a glorious 70. We hope for rain to green up the world but not so much that the dampness sinks into our bones. With changing light and longer days, our bodies are constantly adjusting. New pollens spread with the Spring wind, and if you have allergies you know that can be miserable. But there are things you can do to feel better. One of the most important ways is through a seasonal Cleanse.

Gloppy runny nose, itchy eyes, sneezing don’t have to be a part of your Spring experience. The secret is it is not just the pollen blowing around….it is the condition of your nasal passages and your lungs. These can be sluggish and work inefficiently if you have been eating the wrong foods, or not enough of the right ones.

How and what you ate in Winter has a direct effect on how likely your body will be susceptible to these Spring annoyances.  

Oil and Water

A key factor in developing a mucous-y Spring is the degree of lubrication your nose, lungs and digestive tract might have.  When I work with clients, I am always asking what you eat. It's not just what you eat, but when you eat it, that matters.  Foods align with seasons, and when you eat in alignment, you give your body what it needs.  It's intuitive, but not always practiced because all foods are available at all times today due to globalization of the marketplace. 

Drink Your Water

While you may not feel thirsty in Winter, your body needed as much, if not more, hydration than it does in Summer. The dry indoor air dries you up.

A good indicator of whether you are drinking enough is the condition of your skin. The condition of your skin will be similar to your "inner skins" - nasal, digestive and lung linings, so if your outer skins dry, your inner skin likely is too, and this is what leads to inflammation and development of mucous. So drink your water and eat your good fat foods.

Environmental factors

When allergies kick in, they can make you more sensitive to everything.  Do your best to keep windows closed on windy days, avoid close contact with furry pets and any pollens you know you are sensitive to. Lilacs especially bother me so I stay away from them.  

Think Green not White

If you want to dry up mucous, look to green vegetables, especially things like chard, dandelion greens, scallions, and arugula. Greens have an astringent quality that helps dry up phlegm and mucous. 

What won't help is dairy.  That includes milk, cheese and yogurt.  If you are prone to Spring allergies, avoid these foods during your high sensitive times.  

Try a Spring Cleanse

Wellness and You has been leading Cleanses for more than 10 years. The Spring Cleanse consists of 7 days of really clean eating that is connected with the season.