Do You Have a Love/Hate Relationship with Food?

Have you ever made a conscious effort to change the way you eat (for weight loss, health improvement, etc.) only to have your plans derailed? You’re not alone. We have a food and lifestyle environment that makes it extremely hard to make consistent healthy food choices. This can leave many people feeling helpless, undisciplined and hopeless. We might even call ourselves good or bad depending on the day’s food choices.

What if you decided to ignore all the hype about this diet or that diet and just made a list of foods that would nourish you and that you would enjoy? What if you stopped counting calories and instead tuned into your body’s hunger and appetite preferences? At Wellness and You, we explore your lifestyle as a factor, we come up with workable menus and aim to reduce cravings by adding nourishing foods that lower impulsive eating.

Building a healthy relationship with food only happens when you stop looking at food as the enemy to your looking and feeling great. Food is not the enemy - in fact it can be the source of renewed energy and a happier perspective on life. We can’t expect to feel (or look) great when we put mostly junky highly processed food in our bodies. Changing your relationship with food, and making it your friend, changes everything.