Ways to Detoxify and Replenish

If you have joined me for one or more of my nutritional cleanses, you know the benefit of detoxifying your lifestyle, allowing your body, mind and spirit to rest, replenish and revitalize.

Dr. Christiane Northrup, a gynecologist and speaker on women’s health, posted her recommendations for detoxifying in general and also some tips to detoxify after receiving a vaccine.

Dr. Northrup’s Detoxifying Recommendations

  1. Eliminate sugar

  2. Hydrate

  3. Eliminate any foods you think you may be sensitive to; add back one at a time

  4. Support your microbiome (especially your gut bacteria)

  5. Exercise

  6. Practice yoga

  7. Take infrared saunas

  8. Soak in a mineral bath (epsom salt, Celtic sea salt)

Now, after you receive any vaccine, do these extra steps to detoxify

  1. Ramp up your Vitamin C

  2. Sleep - it’s your repair time

  3. Don’t treat a fever unless it’s high - if so, treat with C and call your doctor

  4. Re-mineralize - see Dr. Carolyn Dean’s blog for suggestions

  5. Increase glutathione levels

  6. Try homeopathy

  7. Get bodywork

  8. Avoid chelation therapy

Dr. Northrup’s Simple Remedies if you have the Covid mRNA vaccine

1. Make pine needle tea

2. Get out in the sun

3. Supplement with D

4. Take a nitric oxide boosting supplement to support blood vessel walls.

After effects of the mRNA vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) have varied. I took the Pfizer experimental vaccine, a 2 dose regimen, 4 weeks apart. I experienced fairly severe fatigue for several days about two weeks after getting my second dose. Others have fever and headache, chills or nausea.

Please add your experiences in the comments section if you have had any Covid 19 vaccine.

Build a Strong Defense

We learned during Covid that the most vulnerable people were those with a pre-existing condition and those who were obese. Quality of health and lifelong wellness nearly always starts with the food you eat. If you need help with your food, you may want to sign up, whenever you are ready, for my Post-covid weight loss program. This program is not just about weight loss - if you are overweight, weight loss occurs naturally when you eat quality food. This program also works for you when you are not overweight but you know the food you eat is not good for you.

Don’t be caught in a vulnerable position when it comes to your health. Take the steps you need to build a strong immune system and you’ll be less fearful and more confident that your body knows how to stay well.