What Is a Superfood?

A "superfood,"is a high nutrient whole food that happens to be delicious. As you go through this list you will see it’s not complicated to get the nutrients you need. Mix them up and always include a variety of colors. Even though each may be called a superfood, no one food gives you everything you need. And don’t forget to include good fats, some of which you will find here on the list.

  1. SALMON Rich with omega-3 fats that aid skin, circulation, vision and nerve function. Bake or grille at 400 degrees F. and season with lemon and capers.

  2. BROCCOLI This green cruciferous vegetable gives protection from cancer and is rich in Vit. C and A . Steam until bright green, cool in ice water. Perk up with red pepper flakes.

  3. BLUEBERRIES A true food for the brain, this fiber-rich berry can be eaten raw or cooked. Loaded with antioxidants and other disease fighting nutrients.

  4. CHOCOLATE The darker the better, chocolate contains theobromine, an antioxidant that lowers inflammation. Enjoy an ounce every day.

  5. BEETS The gorgeous color of this vegetable tells you something good is happening here. And it is. Beets contain inflammation-fighting antioxidants and are known to lower blood pressure. Boil in their skins until tender; peel when cool enough, Serve cold in a salad or warm as part of your evening meal.

  6. AVOCADO Another food in the fat family, this one monounsaturated, eyes and skin love avocados. Work it as a spread, sliced in a salad, or an add-in in a sandwich. Experiment until you get the ripeness right.

  7. EGGS Rich in Vitamin, D, choline and omega-3, eggs are portable when hard boiled and make a fine breakfast with a slice of avocado and a bowl of berries.

  8. BEANS Lentils, kidney, garbanzo, etc. these heart healthy superfoods are fiber-rich and lower risk of colon cancer. Soak, rinse thoroughly, slow cook and use in soups and salads.

  9. QUINOA This #glutenfree superfood gives you complete protein and complex carbohydrate and a dose of B vitamins and iron. Simmer 1 cup in 2 cups water for 20 minutes; use include with dinner or as part of a Mediterranean bowl.

  10. SWEET POTATO Another gorgeous colored vegetable, the sweet potato is just that - sweet. It gives you Vitamin A, C and nutrients lycopene and potassium, all wrapped in rich fiber. Bake whole or sliced into french fries.

Look over the list and create some meals with one or more of these superfoods. You will see foods of many colors, textures and tastes, all giving you vital nutrients to keep you healthy and sharp.