Create a Happy Life

Happiness. It’s what we all want, yes?  But I think having it consistently  remains one of the biggest challenges in life.  I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about this lately, and I wanted to share my thoughts with you, see if you agree, and see what you would add to my list. Here goes:

Happiness has less to do with what is going on in life and more to do with how our life is going. We all have difficult moments, terrible losses, and unexpected challenges, but if our foundation is solid when they occur, we’re in a better position to handle them.

What are the tools needed to have life going in a way that leads to happiness?

There are many, and an essential one is self-care.  That means healthy nutrients on a regular basis, water, rest, movement, connection and stress management.  These are foundational.

What are some tools that promote happiness?


morning affirmation:  Today I choose to be happy

mid-day affirmation:   Regardless of what is happening around me I am responsible for my happiness

        evening affirmation:   I am grateful for all that is given to me and all that I have given today

Try an act of kindness - it’s heart-warming.

Surround yourself with uplifting people whenever you can.

Dig in to a hobby you enjoy,

Hector and the Search for Happiness

  by Francois Lelord

I just read this book. It’s a parable about modern life and a psychiatrist named Hector who is searching to determine the true elements of happiness.  He travels the world and ultimately comes up with 3 key elements, which are affirmed by a Professor of Happiness at a fictional university.  Here they are:

Happiness is a certain way of seeing things.

Happiness is feeling useful to others.

Happiness comes when you feel truly alive.

Hector came up with several other definitions but these were the highlights.  Would you agree?

Please feel free to give your definition of happiness.