A Holistic Approach to Staying Well

With all the talk about the coronavirus, or covid-19, there’s quite a bit of fear and anxiety.  This happens when there are unknowns, especially when the media and those in positions of authority initiate quarantines to isolate not only those with symptoms but also those who might have come in contact with someone who might or does have the virus. 


You may be left feeling helpless, not sure of whether to attend events, stay home or avoid travel.  I’m going to give you some action steps you can take to build a healthy you so you are better prepared to resist any virus should you be exposed to one:

  1. Eat healthy!  Skip the junk food and sugar; eat many colors of vegetables and fruits to get a cross-section of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants;  hydrate with water and herbal teas

  2. Rest.  Getting enough rest gives your body time to restore, an essential part of staying well.

  3. Keep your regular shiatsu, massage, acupuncture and/or chiropractic appointments; they are a part of a healthy lifestyle regimen.

  4. Consider immune building supplements.  Read up on Metagenics 3 immune builders  (ImmuCore)  (UltraFlora Immune Probiotic)  or (SinuPlex) to see if one is right for you.  Using these links saves you 20% off retail cost. 

  5. Quiet your stress. Stress stimulates the immune system, which can be a plus for immediate situations. This stimulation can help you avoid infections and heal wounds. But over time, stress hormones will weaken your immune system and reduce your body’s response to foreign invaders. People under chronic stress are more susceptible to viral illnesses like the flu and the common cold, as well as other infections. Stress can increase the time it takes you to recover from an illness or injury.  A client of mine listens to my stress recording every day before taking a short afternoon nap. 

  6. Connect with people you love.  There’s nothing quite like being in the company of those you love to boost your sense of well-being.  

  7. Practice personal hygiene.  This is something we should always do, but especially if you are concerned about staying well.  Part of this includes staying home when you are not feeling well.  Always wash your hands with soap, avoid crowds when possible, keep your hands away from your face, and air out your home regularly, bringing in fresh air.